Thursday, October 27, 2011

Character Experiences

         In What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen, the main character Mclean doesn't get to know people all the time, or act like her true self because her dad and her are always moving from one place to another. In her new "home," she finds herself slowly getting attached to the people around her even though she knows she shouldn't. Each experience has not prepared her for meeting Dave, who she finds herself getting more and more into each time they hang out. No matter how many times she's found herself saying 'he's not your type', she's having a hard time getting the thought out of her head, and into her heart. In each new place she acts like someone different, someone who she can make disappear when she has to leave again. Whether she's a popular girl or a bookworm, she knows she never has to worry about which role to play because sooner or later she'll have the chance to change again. Unfortunately, she's found herself stuck with her real name, and starts playing someone she's never been before, herself.