Monday, December 5, 2011

3 Social Awareness Topics

            In Maximum Ride (by James Patterson) Max, Fang, Iggy, the Gasman, and Angel are on the run still from the erasers. Now that they got Angel back they can continue their journey with the new information that Angel heard at the school. Now they're in New York City looking for an institute that has their files. Where they came from, how they came to be, what they can do, and what makes them so important about them. Apparently Max is supposed to save the world but at the moment that's not the concern.
            Problem being their house has been burned down and erasers are hot on their trail. When it comes to the institute this place definitely doesn't want to be found. The "flock" as they call themselves are constantly in danger and can't seem to go a day without getting into trouble. As they go on they find themselves finding more questions than answers.
            Continuing through their journey Max has been getting really bad pains in her head with flashes of pictures. Most of the time it happens near computers or TVs where words pop up and talk to her telling her things she needs to know. There's also a voice in her head that some what gives her directions but the things it says to her are unclear. This might help them with their problem but it also may lead them further into it. For example, when they walked by a mac store all the computers in the window flashed all the pictures Max was seeing in her head and then greeted her and told her the name of the institution they were looking for. When they were walking max had a building flash in her mind and a street address. When they were in the building but didn't know were to go her voice gave her a riddle "there's a pot of gold under every rainbow" Max hasn't fully figured out what it means but i know it will come up again.

             I did my response on Gabby Pinder's poem. I chose it because it was a good topic and she did a good job explaining her topic. She had a nice poem although sad showed just how severe this issue could be. Unlike those shows were they make it seem almost okay to get pregnant so young but all cases aren't like that.
             I think that the idea of it was is that be careful of what you do and don't try anything when your too young. You might think that it's a good idea at the time but when a worse time comes you have to be prepared for the worse. If you do something as serious as this than you better except the consequences. Although they might not be fair you have to make a plan of what your going to do if that time comes.

             Why do they do this to me
             I didn't do anything wrong

             Why don't they give me food
             Clean my small cage or even let me out of it

             I'm so dirty
             My paws hurt from my nails being curled and too long digging into my paws
             Why can't they cut them
             Why do they do this to me

             I know all homes aren't like mine
             So why is mine like this

             So hungry, so is everyone else
             What did i do to deserve this
             What did we do to deserve this

              My sisters and brothers are all gone
              Why did they let that happen
              Why do they do this to me
              Why do they do this to us

              What did we do to deserve this
              We just want a nice home
              Why do they do this to us

              I won't be the only one left for long
              Soon others will come and soon i will be gone
              Please save us, we cannot help ourselves
              Why have they done this to me
              Why have they done this to any of us

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