Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Will Happen Next

            In Fang (by James Patterson) chips were falling into place. Max came back to the flock wen they were in trouble in Hollywood and after that Fang left and left Max heart broken. In between the Hollywood incident and Fang leaving Angel left to help one of the scientists the flock had met in Africa. Recently Max and Angel definitely hadn't been seeing eye to eye.
            When Fang left he just so happened to go to Angel's crazy scientist to try sending Angel home (even though Max had already tried). But when he got there he was attached and when he woke up he was strapped down on a gurney in a lab seriously injured. Angel didn't know that was going to happen to him and when he died and the scientist (Dr. Hans) wouldn't help him Angel tried to send out a thought to Max. Max got  there first and the flock (+ Dylan) got there a short while after.
             When the predictable fight broke out Max staid at Fang's side and desperate as she was took a vile with adrenaline and injected it into his heart. She new that if he had any chance that was it. Although Dr.Hans tried to stop her Dylan held him back and Fang came back (YEA!). You know you would think that finally when everyone was safe for a little while again things would be okay but nope. Yet again Fang left only leaving behind a note. And with that the book ended.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


            ... Totally didn't see that coming. I can't believe what happened. By the way now into book 6 called Fang (by James Patterson) while in Africa, Angel said that Fang would be the first to die. That got me like WHAT?!! Still confused as to how she would know that and why she would say anything like that. When they were back home (P.S. they have a home now) after a vote because of a certain turn of events Max was voted out of the flock which got me to another WHAT?!! Another strange thing is that now Jeb's back and he keeps trying to take control over the flock again.
             When the flock was in Africa, Max was introduced to a strange (totally insane) scientist. With him he brought another kid like the flock which shocked everyone (including me). After Angel said that Fang was going to die was when they were introduced and Max's little voice (yes in her head) chimed in with a little fun fact. And I quote "He is your perfect other half". That got e to another WHAT?!! Ever since then, things just don't seem to get better for Max. When Jeb comes to visit accidents start to happen but only after jeb comes and when Max and Fang aren't there. This made me think that Jeb is up to something because of the way he's acting. Instead of supporting Max, he keeps getting in the way of her trying to lead her flock. When things go wrong instead of taking her side he accuses it of being her fault it's like he's trying to jepordize her. Putting up walls between her and the rest of the flock. This leading me to believe that Jeb is once again up to something (besides trying to get her and Dylan together).

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Characters and Powers, Friends and Enemies

            The Maximum Ride books are very creative. I think the author did a good job making a fantasy series this long that isn't completely predictable/common. The author (James Patterson) got more and more creative with each new villain he made and how the others were eliminated. The story line never gets boring or old and powers he thought up are very easy to envy. Each flock member is special and unlike the other. And each villain different from the last and improved than the last.
            The first enemies in the story were Erasers. The were perfect flawless looking humans that morphed into man-wolves. They are very strong and were designed to track hunt and kill. The next was still Erasers but with wings. The next after that were Flyboys they looked like Erasers but were robots with an eraser sin coat grown onto them. Next you have mechanical like soldiers that are highly stealthy capturing machines and so on. Currently there are these slim dark robot creatures that have been modified to have machine guns welded into their arms. More always come and each time they get worse and worse, but never bad enough for the flock.
            The flock as you should knows consists of Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman, and Angel. As the story goes on the flock members have been developing new skills. They can all fly but Max can fly way faster then the others at around 230 miles per hour. She also has this voice in her head (I know that just seems like more of a problem which Max thinks too) it's very helpful and always knows the answers. Fang can now blend in with his surrounding if he's pretty still. Iggy is blind but you barely notice because his hearing and touch is incredible. He can also feel colors which is strange but good for him. Also he can see if it's mostly white surrounding. Nudge can attract metal to her. The Gasman and Iggy are both geniuses when it comes to explosives and can make a bomb with just about anything. The Gasman can also produce a green gas the totally reeks. Angel is the most special. She can read and control peoples mind, breath under water, talk to sea animals, and change her appearance. Total is angels dog that can talk and fly and Akila is a normal dog that he says is his true love. put all these members together and you get the flock.
            Put the characters together, a story line and a plot and you get the awesome Maximum Ride series. I've always loved these kind of books that are sci-fie/fantasy. For the author to have these ideas is extremely impressive which makes him one of my favorite authors. I do envy their powers. When i was little i used to believe that it was possible to develop one and I've loved these kind of stories since i could learn to read. If you read these books you will never be bored there's always action and even a little romance.