Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Will Happen Next

            In Fang (by James Patterson) chips were falling into place. Max came back to the flock wen they were in trouble in Hollywood and after that Fang left and left Max heart broken. In between the Hollywood incident and Fang leaving Angel left to help one of the scientists the flock had met in Africa. Recently Max and Angel definitely hadn't been seeing eye to eye.
            When Fang left he just so happened to go to Angel's crazy scientist to try sending Angel home (even though Max had already tried). But when he got there he was attached and when he woke up he was strapped down on a gurney in a lab seriously injured. Angel didn't know that was going to happen to him and when he died and the scientist (Dr. Hans) wouldn't help him Angel tried to send out a thought to Max. Max got  there first and the flock (+ Dylan) got there a short while after.
             When the predictable fight broke out Max staid at Fang's side and desperate as she was took a vile with adrenaline and injected it into his heart. She new that if he had any chance that was it. Although Dr.Hans tried to stop her Dylan held him back and Fang came back (YEA!). You know you would think that finally when everyone was safe for a little while again things would be okay but nope. Yet again Fang left only leaving behind a note. And with that the book ended.

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