Thursday, January 12, 2012


            ... Totally didn't see that coming. I can't believe what happened. By the way now into book 6 called Fang (by James Patterson) while in Africa, Angel said that Fang would be the first to die. That got me like WHAT?!! Still confused as to how she would know that and why she would say anything like that. When they were back home (P.S. they have a home now) after a vote because of a certain turn of events Max was voted out of the flock which got me to another WHAT?!! Another strange thing is that now Jeb's back and he keeps trying to take control over the flock again.
             When the flock was in Africa, Max was introduced to a strange (totally insane) scientist. With him he brought another kid like the flock which shocked everyone (including me). After Angel said that Fang was going to die was when they were introduced and Max's little voice (yes in her head) chimed in with a little fun fact. And I quote "He is your perfect other half". That got e to another WHAT?!! Ever since then, things just don't seem to get better for Max. When Jeb comes to visit accidents start to happen but only after jeb comes and when Max and Fang aren't there. This made me think that Jeb is up to something because of the way he's acting. Instead of supporting Max, he keeps getting in the way of her trying to lead her flock. When things go wrong instead of taking her side he accuses it of being her fault it's like he's trying to jepordize her. Putting up walls between her and the rest of the flock. This leading me to believe that Jeb is once again up to something (besides trying to get her and Dylan together).

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