Saturday, November 26, 2011

Animal Cruelty is Wrong

            Countless cases of animal cruelty pop up every day. Some people think its not their problem to fix and/or there's nothing they can do anyway. Well they're wrong. Animals are abused, neglected, hoarded and abandoned left for dead every day. Why these people do what they one knows.
            Some think that people do this because of ignorance, others think that people who perform animal cruelty are more likely to kill a human or break other laws than other people. I personally think that maybe it has to do with their past. Something that haunts them and so they blame animals instead of what was most likely caused by themselves. Others could just be crazy with serious problems which would also be one of my guesses. They want to be alfa dog and so they torture innocent animals that can't defend themselves the way humans could. They also can't say anything, can't tell on the person.
             The people who do help make huge differences and even when people see it on TV or in the news papers and magazines they still say they can't do anything. Some do, but others just say "they can't" instead of "they don't want to be bothered" and this isn't a joke. Animal cruelty is a serious crime. Monsters who display it face years in jail and thousands and thousands of dollars worth of fees based on the severity of the crime.
             Me myself is a extreme animal lover and would do anything to help. If you think you've seen a sign that someone is doing animal cruelty don't do nothing. Do something anything that you think could help. Be the first steps to changing the world and saving the lives of countless animals in America.

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