Saturday, November 12, 2011

Will Hope Be Enough?

        In Maximum Ride (by James Patterson), will hope be enough to help Max bring together her gang and save Angel? For those who are lost, here's the story.
        Max, Jeb, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman, and Angel were made by scientists to be only 98% human. With this extra 2% they have wings and a special ability. Jeb went missing two years ago and all the gang can think of is that he died. Being he was the leader they were lost for a little while but Max was next when it came to age, and so she took charge.
        Although things have been going good, one morning while picking strawberries a bunch of Erasers dropped from the sky and kidnapped Angel, the 6 year old who can read minds. From the name you could probably guess that there not something you want chasing after you. Erasers are half men, half human mutants that are made to hunt. Sadly there hunt is for anyone who leaves the "school", another bad place to be.
        Four years ago, our little gang escaped the school. This school was were Max and everyone was made and kept in cages to be experimented on. Scientists poked and prodded them to get whatever information they could.
        Erasers were made as security. To train, scientists would let chimpanzees loose and have Erasers hunt them down. No one from the gang ever got the scared and hurt screeches of the chimps out of there memories.
        Everyone had been doing okay until Angel was taken, as well as all of them getting a serious beet down from a bunch of Erasers. The gang must now go back to the school to rescue her. When feeling hopeless the Gasman(also known as Gazzy) found a map Jeb left behind. To there horror it was of the school. After all this time they have to go back to the very place they've all tried so hard to forget with the hope that they'll be okay, and rescue Angel, but will hope be enough?

1 comment:

  1. It's definetly longer and much more detailed then the last. I think it's good.
